General Rules

General Rules of The School

Guidelines for Discipline and Order

  1. The students are expected to manifest behavior befitting students of Daffodils Home Secondary School School, who are serious and decent citizens at all times.
  2. Conduct that is injurious to the moral tone of the school or the rights of others and not in accord with strict disciplines is liable to bring suspension or dismissal.
  3. The first bell before class is a signal for all to go to the Assembly. It is compulsory for each student to come for Assembly. After the Assembly, they should go to their classroom in discipline, get their books ready quickly in silence, and prepare for the beginning of class. Changes of classroom between periods should be done in silence and order. When teachers enter the classroom, the students are to greet them in the customary way and give them proper attention and respect.
  4. No student is entitled to enter the class unless he/she is clean, neatly dressed and in correct uniform.
  5. No student may leave the school premises during school hours or in recess without the expressed permission of the Principal.
  6. Students who ride the bus are to get in the bus in silence and order and sit in a refined manner and await their stop.
  7. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct and good behavior both in and outside the school.
  8. Students should only bring to school their text books. Other books or magazines, if thought to be useful may be brought only with the approval of the Principal. No circulars or literature of any kind may be distributed within the School Campus without the permission of the Principal.
  9. Care must be taken for all School property and no boy/girl should scratch, spoil the desk or damage any School furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident, should be reported at once to the Vice-Principal or Principal. Each class should be responsible for looking after all class property.
  10. Do not bring valuable articles to the school. The school is not responsible for the loss of anything from the students, but any loss should be reported to the Principal immediately.
  11. Any students desiring to be exempted from P.T. or Games must produce a doctor’s certificate to the effect that she/he is physically unfit to take part.
  12. Students may not offer presents to members of staff except in those circumstances sanctioned by the Principal.
  13. If any child is prescribed to take any kind of medicine during class hours the concerned parents are requested either to inform the school authorities or to send the prescription of the doctor as long as the child is under treatment.
  14. Student who run away from school/home for any reason will not be allowed to continue in this institution thereafter.
  15. Students will not carry cell-phones to school. Action will be taken against defaulters.